Welcome, Jared Peterson!
Join us in welcoming our newest Research Associate and Project Manager, Jared Peterson, to the ShadowBox Team!
Join us in welcoming our newest Research Associate and Project Manager, Jared Peterson, to the ShadowBox Team!
The ShadowBox team would like to share some memories about one of our founding team members, Helen Altman Klein.
Humor can be an effective tool in changing our reactions in certain situations, allowing us to enjoy and appreciate moments that might otherwise cause us to stew in our own anger and frustration.
The 17th International Naturalistic Decision Making conference will be held July 1-5th, 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand!
John Schmitt provides a comprehensive beak down of the overlap and distinct differences between Boyd's OODA model of conflict and Klein's RPD model of cognitive decision making, and describes the contexts in which they are best suited.
Have you ever wondered how ShadowBox's scenario-based training method differs from other training and evaluation approaches? In this week's featured insight, Gary Klein compares and contrasts ShadowBox training to Situational Judgment Tests, highlighting key distinctions that put ShadowBox in a league of its own.
Join us in welcoming our newest Research Assistant, Micah Condon, to the ShadowBox Team!
Learn about different types of training fidelity, the importance of selecting the type of fidelity based on the goals of the training, and why better technology doesn’t always mean better training.
The ShadowBox team continues to make improvements to our web-based application so participants and facilitators can focus on what really matters for ShadowBox's scenario-based training exercises - discussing key insights and making meaningful discoveries.
Scenario of the Month
This month, we present four ShadowBox Lite (SBXLs) that emphasize soccer player decision making.