Laura Militello

Senior Scientist

Laura Militello, MS, is a Senior Scientist with ShadowBox LLC. She draws on her expertise in cognitive task analysis (CTA) methods to advise ShadowBox teams about tools and techniques for uncovering human cognition. She has extensive experience conducting CTA across a broad range of domains including helicopter rescue pilots, social workers, pararescue jumpers, and primary care clinicians. In addition, Laura conducts CTA workshops for human factors professionals and students, co-authored a popular reference for CTA methods, and contributed to the development of a set of applied cognitive task analysis methods for use by practitioners.

She is a co-owner and CEO of Applied Decision Science LLC, a research and development firm that studies decision making in complex environments. Her applied research includes the design of decision support tools and training, user interface design for medical informatics and medical devices, as well as military systems.

Laura received her M.A. in Experimental Psychology and Human Factors from the University of Dayton in 1995. She enjoys running and gardening.